LL.M. Degree with Thesis
Minimum requirements for admission to the LL.M. program with a thesis:
1 LL.B. grade point average of 85 or higher
2 A grade of 85 or higher on one of the seminars, and of 90 or higher on the other
Students are required to take 28 credits, at least half of which they must complete in the course of the first year and the rest during the second year.
The courses include one mandatory seminar, "Legal Research," two research seminars, and elective courses (from among the LL.B. elective courses and seminars). In addition, graduate students must meet university requirements for basic studies in Judaism.
The time table for the LL.M. degree with thesis is as follows: the research proposal must be submitted by August of the first year of study, and the completed thesis by the end of the second year of study.
Applicants must purchase the forms for graduate level study (at the university stores, Steimatzky, etc.) and submit them to the University's Masters Committee. Alternatively, application forms can be completed and the fees paid over the Internet at: https://dory.os.biu.ac.il/Toar2Web/.
In addition to the requirements specified in the forms, applicants must submit the following:
1. Transcripts of their LL.B. studies
2. Statement of purpose regarding the proposed research (2-3 pages)
3. Agreement of a Faculty of Law instructor to serve as thesis advisor*
4. Copy of a seminar paper submitted in the course of LL.B. studies
5. Two letters of recommendation from academic instructors who are acquainted with the applicant's work
*Applicants must find an advisor among members of the faculty's academic staff and obtain their written agreement to instruct them in their thesis work. The list of faculty members, including their fields of specialization, can be found on the Faculty of Law site.
Click here for the list of faculty members
Instructors who are not members of the Faculty of Law staff will not be approved.
Note that registration for the LL.M. degree with thesis begins for the following year around January and continues until June only. At the end of the registration period, the Committee for Advanced Research Degrees meets to discuss all applications. The final response is issued by the University's Masters Committee.
Studies begin in November and last two years (four semesters).
Click here for instructions on writing the thesis