Cooperation agreement with the Law Faculty of the University of International Business and Economics of Bejing, PRC.

Dean Arie Reich signed on May 16, 2012, on behalf of the Bar Ilan Faculty of Law a cooperation agreement with the Law Faculty of the University of International Business and Economics of Bejing, PRC.  The UIBE Law School, headed by Dean Wang Jun, is one of the leading law schools of China, in particular in the field of International Law, in general, and in International Economic Law, in particular. It is also one of the first four higher education academies with doctoral programs. With a distinct international orientation and commitment to academic research, it is an excellent partner for Bar Ilan in the new developing world of China.
The cooperation agreements includes three main components:

1.       Student exchange; this will enable UIBE students to come and study in Bar Ilan for one semester and Bar Ilan students to go to study in UIBE for one semester. Courses for the exchange students will be offered in English and will center on International and Comparative Law, as well on the national legal system of the host law school.

2.       Faculty exchange; will enable professors from our law schools to visit each other's faculty and teach courses there, to build relationships with scholars in the partner institution and to widen horizons on the legal system and academic scholarships of each other.

3.       Joint Ph.D. Program; this program will allow for select Ph.D. candidates in each law school to get supervisors from both law schools and spend time in both of them, learning from the very best scholars in both institutions and to receive Ph.D. degrees from both Universities, provided the Ph.D. dissertation has met the strict standards of both of them.

It is expected that the program will start at least partly already in the 2012-2013 school year.

Law Faculty


Last Updated Date : 07/10/2013