Dr. Inbar Cohen

    ביוגרפיה קצרה

    Dr. Cohen is a teaching associate at the University of Haifa School of Criminology and is the head of the Sociolegal Clinic at the College of Management school of law. Dr. Cohen received her BSW from the University of Haifa school of Social Work, her MA in Non-Profit and Community Organization Management and in Criminology from the Hebrew University, in Jerusalem and her PhD in Criminology from the University of Haifa. Her main scholarship concerns are therapeutic jurisprudence, critical criminology and critical discourse analysis. Her research field includes the interchange between legal and therapeutic discourses pertaining the effect of therapeutic principles on legal proceedings and vice versa, the effect of punitive goals on court mandated therapeutic interventions. Dr. Cohen has a vast experience in related fieldwork as the Sexual Assault Crisis Center head of the Witness Assistance Program and as a social worker working with youth at-risk.


      The Law-Penal-Therapy Interplay in Therapeutic Interventions Mandated by Problem-Solving Courts


    Last Updated Date : 17/05/2022