Dr. Ella Corren

Building 306, Room 105
    ביוגרפיה קצרה

    Ella Corren is an Assistant Professor of Law at Bar-Ilan University and a member of the BIU Lab for Law, Data-Science and Digital Ethics. Before joining Bar-Ilan University, Dr. Corren was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Helen Diller Institute, UC Berkeley School of Law. Dr. Corren’s scholarship and teaching span Law and Technology, Law and Economics, Privacy, Contracts, Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, Regulation of the Information Economy, Competition Law, Consumer Protection, Private Law Theory, and Empirical Legal Studies. Her work studies regulatory approaches applied to information technologies and consumer markets; it seeks to theorize, measure, and evaluate the real-world implications of regulation and improve the design of new regulatory regimes. Dr. Corren’s work has been published in the Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, and Iowa Law Review, among others. She holds an LL.B. from the Hebrew University, and an LL.M. and J.S.D. from UC Berkeley School of Law, where she was a Lloyd M. Robbins Fellow and an E. David Fischman Scholar.


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    Ella Corren, Gaining or Losing Control? An Empirical Study on the Real Use of Data Control Rights and Policy Implications, 109 Iowa L. Rev. 2017 (2024)

    Ella Corren, The Consent Burden in Consumer and Digital Markets, 36 Harvard J.L. & Tech. 551 (2023)

    Peter S. Menell & Ella Corren, Design Patent Law’s Identity Crisis, 36 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1 (2021)

    Peter S. Menell & Ella Corren, The Design Patent Emperor Wears No Clothes: Responding to Advocates of Design Patent Protection for Functionality, 36 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 231 (2021)


    Last Updated Date : 22/01/2025