Dr. Ori Aronson
Short Biography
Ori Aronson is a senior lecturer (associate professor) of law, and deputy director of the Manomadin Center for Jewish and Democratic Law. He received his LLB (2004, summa cum laude) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his LLM (2006) and SJD (2010) from Harvard Law School. Ori served as clerk and legal assistant to the Chief Justice of the Israel Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, and as law clerk to Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Judge, Jon Newman. He joined the Bar-Ilan Law Faculty in 2010, and teaches there the basic course in civil procedure as well as courses on courts, constitutional law, and constitutional theory. Between 2014-2016 he served as visiting scholar and professor at UC Berkeley School of Law. His research concerns the institutional aspects of adjudication, on the procedural, systemic, and constitutional levels. He has worked and published on the distribution of power among court units, judicial review in higher and lower courts, judicial discretion, and institutional analysis of diffuse legal and normative systems. In the Center for Jewish and Democratic Law, Ori has been working on the development of new modes for research, policymaking, and education in multicultural societies, which are based on the interaction of multiple sources of information and value. Ori was raised in Tel Aviv where he currently lives with his wife, Dr. Hila Shamir, and their two sons, Ivri and Hillel.
Research Interests and Teaching
Courts, procedure, constitutional law, constitutional theory, pluralism, Jewish and Democratic State.
- Border Disputes: Religious Adjudication along the Private/Public Divide, 15 Law & Ethics of Human Rights __ (forthcoming 2021)
- The Bar-Ilan Road Ordeal as an Institutional Failure, in The High Court of Justice and the Haredis __ (Gideon Sapir & Haim Zicherman eds., forthcoming 2021) (in Hebrew)
- “Rainy Day Constitutionalism: The Nation State Basic Law and the Jewish Majority, 20 Democratic Culture __ (forthcoming 2021) (in Hebrew)
- COVID-19 Regulations and the Rule of Law: a Critique of First-Wave Regulatory Strategies, 22 Law & Government __ (forthcoming 2021) with Ido Baum & Dalit Gafni (in Hebrew)
- Basic Law: Nation-State in View of Previous Basic Laws, in An Interpretation to Basic Law: Israel—the Nation State of the Jewish People __ (Yedidia Stern & Yuval Shani eds., forthcoming 2021) (in Hebrew)
- Jewish and Democratic” as a Methodology, 19 Democratic Culture 9 (2020), with Shahar Lifshitz (in Hebrew)
- Civil Litigation as Civic Participation: a Comment on Assy’s Injustice in Person, 16 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 22 (2018)
- The Next Forty Presidents, 24 William & Mary Journal of Women & the Law 235 (2018)
- The Law from Trial Courts, 9 Ma’asei Mishpat 135 (2018) (in Hebrew)
- The How Many Question: An Institutionalist’s Guide to Pluralism, in Institutionalizing Rights and Religion: Competing Supremacies 147-163 (Leora Batnitzky & Hanoch Dagan eds., Cambridge University Press, 2017)
- Enforcing Court Decisions on State Actors – An Institutional Framework, 19 Law & Business 1271 (2016) (in Hebrew)
- Why Hasn’t the Knesset Abolished Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty? On the Status Quo as Countermajoritarian Difficulty, 37 I’yunei Mishpat 509 (2016) (in Hebrew)
- The Democratic Case for Diffuse Judicial Review, 16 Law & Government 9 (2015) (in Hebrew)
- Forum by Coin Flip: A Random Allocation Model for Jurisdictional Overlap, 45 Seton Hall Law Review 63 (2015)
- Best of Luck: On Randomness in Procedure, in Law, Society & Culture: Procedures 135-173 (Talia Fisher & Issi Rosen-Zvi eds., 2014) (Heb.) (in Hebrew)
- The Democratic Case for Diffuse Judicial Review in Israel, in Israeli Constitutional Law in the Making 121 (Gideon Sapir, Daphne Barak-Erez & Aharon Barak eds., 2013)
- In/Visible Courts: Military Tribunals as Other Spaces, in Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of Constitutional Law 229 (David Cole, Federico Fabbrini & Arianna Vedaschi eds., 2013)
- In the Wake of the Immanuel Affair: Law, Culture, and Daily Life, 15 Democratic Culture 7 (2013) (Introduction, with Avi Shoshana) (in Hebrew)
- Innovation, Aggregation, and Specialization, 100 The Georgetown Law Journal Online 28 (2012)
- Out of Many: Military Commissions, Religious Tribunals, and the Democratic Virtues of Court Specialization, 51 Virginia Journal of International Law 231 (2011)
- Getting It Right: Institutional Design and Epistemic Competence in Law and the Limits of Reason, 2 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 32 (2010)
- Inferiorizing Judicial Review: Popular Constitutionalism in Trial Courts, 43 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 971 (2010)
Work in progress
- Learning from Mistakes: Rethinking Appeal
- Hierarchies of Justice (Oxford Encyclopedia of Comparative Judicial Behavior)
- A Jewish and Democratic State: Intra-Jewish Perspective (Oxford Handbook of the Israeli Constitution) (with Shahar Lifshitz)
- Polarization and Trust in Rule of Law Systems (with Julia Elad-Strenger and Yuval Feldman)
- COVID-19 and the Burdens of Corporeal Citizenship
- Enforcement and Compliance, in Israeli Report to Lex-Atlas: COVID-19
- The Constitution in Trial Courts: Empirical Evidence (with Udi Neuman)
- Political Speech and Conditional Cash Transfers in the Welfare State (with Hila Shamir & Guy Priver)
- Uniformity and Diversity in Enlarged Panels on the Israeli Supreme Court (with Alon Jasper)
Last Updated Date : 05/03/2025