College annual calendar

The Faculty of Law's rules and regulations, programs of study and course catalogue can be found here. The guide, which is in Hebrew, is divided into sections, each of which has its own PDF file. These files can be downloaded from the site (by clicking on their link). Viewers can see the content of the files and print them using Acrobat Reader 4.0 or any subsequent version. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded without charge from the Adobe website.

Table of Contents

Academic Calendar for Academic Year 5769 - 2008/2009

Part A: Rules and Regulations

1. Academic Authorities and Governing Bodies
2. Structure of Study Programs at the Faculty
3. Student Application and Registration for Undergraduate Degrees
4. Student Application and Registration for Advanced Degrees
5. General Regulations
6. Examinations, Grades and Minimum Passing Requirements (See also current instructions for students on military reserve duty)
7. Law Library

Part B: Teaching Program

1. Course Requirements for Undergraduate in law (LL.B.)
2. Course Requirements for Master's Degree in Law (LL.M. and M.A.) and for Ph.d.
3. Course Schedule

Part C: Course Descriptions

1. Mandatory Studies
2. Clinical Studies
3. Advanced Studies - Jewish Law
4. Advanced Studies
5. Theoretical Seminars
6. Reasearch Seminar
7. Advanced Degrees
8. Master's degree (LL.M.) for Legal Practitoners -[Summer Session]
9. Master's degree (LL.M.) for Legal Practitoners -[Winter Session]
10. Master's degree (M.A.) for economics, business administration and accounting Graduates -[Summer Session]
11. Master's degree (M.A.) for economics, business administration and accounting Graduates -[Winter Session]
12. Master's degree (M.A.) for Social Sciences Graduates -[Summer Session]
13. Master's degree (M.A.) for Social Sciences Graduates -[Winter Session]
14. Courses in Philosophy
15. List of Courses by Lecturers Name
16. List of Courses by ABC
17. Course Schedule for Mandatory Studies
18. Additional Seminars Descriptions for economics, business administration and accounting Graduates -[Summer Session]
19. Additional Seminars Descriptions for Social Sciences Graduates -[Summer Session]