Prof. Haim Shapira

Building 306, Room 206
שעות קבלה
Meetings should be coordinated in advance
    ביוגרפיה קצרה

    Haim Shapira teaches variety of courses in Jewish law, legal theory and law and religion. His main fields of interest are historical and theoretical aspect of Jewish law. He has written on different periods of Jewish law including rabbinic literature, Maimonides and Medieval authorities and also on modern halakha. He earned his B.A. and M.A. in Jewish Studies from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and his LL.B and LL.M and Ph.D from the Hebrew University as well. Haim Shapira was the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Law, Religion and State and he is currently on its editorial board. He was also the editor-in-chief of Bar-Ilan Law Review. He is a co-editor of the fourth volume of the Jewish Political Tradition series, Yale University Press. Haim Shapira visited various institutions and universities was abroad. He was a fellow in the institute of Advanced Study in Princeton (2005-6), A Tikvah fellow at NYU law school (2013-14) and a visiting professor at the faculty of law at Milan University (2016). He was also a senior fellow at Shalom Hartmna Institute in Jerusalem for many years.


    Historical and theoretical aspects of Jewish law, rabbinic courts and academies, Jewish political thought, law and religion.

    1. The Virtue of Mercy according to Maimonides: Ethics, Law and Theology, Harvard Theological Review (2018)
    2. Equality in Religious Schools: the JFS Case Reconsidered, Religion, Institutions and Rights, Cambridge University Press (2017).
    3. The Status of Israeli Civil Courts according to Jewish Law, Jewish Law and Zionism, Jerusalem 2017 Marriage according to Noahide Law - Between Law and Nature, Dine Israel 30 (2015)
    4. The Right for Political Participation in Jewish legal and Political Tradition, Human Rights and Religion, The Israel Democracy Institute, Jerusalem (2014).
    5. Majority Rule in Jewish Law and Jewish Political Tradition, 82-83 Hebrew Union College Annual (2011-2012)
    6. 'For the Judgment is God's' – Human Judgment and Divine Justice, 27 Journal of Law and Religion (2012), 273-328.
    7. The Talmudic Debate over Compromise and the Goals of Judicial Process 26 Dinei Israel (2010) 183-228.
    8. Maimonides’ Epistle on Martyrdom in light of Legal Philosophy (with Y. Lorberbaum), 25 Dinei Israel (2008), English section, 123-169.
    9. The Law of the Pursuer and Source of Self –defense in Jewish Law, 16 Jewish Law Association (2007), 263-283. The Schools of Hillel and Shammai, 17 Jewish Law Annual (2007), 159-208.
    10. The Court in Yavne: Status, Authority and Functions, Studies in Jewish Law, Bar-Ilan Univesity 2007 The Deposition of Raban Gamaliel, Zion 64 (1999)


    Last Updated Date : 13/12/2023