The Tager Award for Outstanding Articles in Jewish Law
Dr. Amihai Radzyner, Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University
“From Lvov to Tel-Aviv: 'Wrongful Divorce' Judgments in the Israeli Rabbinical Courts”, 39 Mishpatim (Hebrew University Law Journal) (2009), pp. 155-231 (HEB).
Prof. Leib Moscovitz, Talmud Department, Bar-Ilan University.
“We May Not Infer Civil Law from Ritual Law: Some Observations on the Internal Unity of Rabbinic Law,” JLAS XXII (2012) = Wisdom and Understanding”: Studies in Jewish Law in Honour of Bernard S. Jackson (ed. Leib Moscovitz and Yosef Rivlin), pp. 193–227
Dr. Itay Lipschits, The Academic Center for Law and Business
Dr. Mordechai E. Schwarz, The Open University of Israel and the Open University Research Institute for Policy, Political Economy and Society
Lipschits I. and Schwarz M. E.., "Aggregation of Estimates when Decision by Majority is not Possible", Jewish Law Annual, (forthcoming)
Prof. David Henshke, Talmud Department, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. Elimelech (Melech) Westreich, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
‘Levirate Marriage in Judicial Desicions of Nineteenth Century Jerusalem' Dinei Israel, Vol. 29 pp. 155-216, 2013 (Hebrew)
Prof. Yair Lorberbaum, Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University
Gezerat Melekh (Decree of King) and Gezerat Ha-Katuv (Decree of Scripture) in Talmudic Literature,' Tarbiz 82 (2014) 5-42 [Hebrew]
Dr. Rami Reiner, Department of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
“Regulation, Law and Everything in Between: The Laws of Gittin as a Depiction of Society”, Tarbiz 82 (2014), 139-163 (Heb.).
Dr. Michael Baris, Sha’arei Mishpat Academic Center
Michael Baris, "The Metaphysics of Divorce: A Halachic-Philosophical Analysis of the Rules and Procedures of the Jewish Get", 30 Dinei Israel 43-92 (2015).