
Prof. Yitzhak Brand
Short Biography
My professional education derives from studies in academy and in yeshivot. Between 1980-1989 I learned in yeshivot, first at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav in Jerusalem, and later at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut. During these years, I was ordained for rabbinate by the Chief Rabbis of Israel at the time, Rabbi Avraham Shapira and Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu. In the years that followed, I taught Talmud and Jewish thought at various yeshivot, including Yeshivat Hesder in Yeruham, Yeshivat Siach (Rav Shagar) in Jerusalem and Efrat and Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem. In addition, I taught at the Herzog College in Alon Shvut for about ten years as part of the Oral Torah and Jewish Thought departments.
In the years 1989-1995, I studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the Faculty of Law and at the Talmud department. I wrote my master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. Hanina Ben-Menachem ("Davar Sh'elo Ba Laolam" and "Davar Sh'eein Bo Mamash"). During 1998-2002, I wrote my disertation under the supervision of Prof. Brachyahu Lifshitz, on the subject of "Transactions in Incorporeal Estates - Between Tannaim and Amoraim." During my studies towards master's degree and third degree (1993-1998) I taught Jewish Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Tel Aviv University as a practitioner (1993 to 1995) From 2002 to the present, I lecture at Bar-Ilan University's Faculty of Law.
1998-2002 Ph.D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1993-1995 LL.M. Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1989-1992 LL.B. Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1993-present Teaching Jewish Law in Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University.
Introduction to Jewish Law; Halakha as a Religious Law; Obligation and Property in Jewish Law; Halakha - Values and Reasons; Law Halakha and Medicine.
2008 Award in Memory of P. Riklis.
2004 Award in Memory of Judge M. Zilberg.
1998-2001 Scholarships in Memory of Schoop.
1996 Award in Memory of Bahana.
1995; 1997 Award in Memory of J. Herzog.
1991; 1993 Award in Memory of J. Drori.
2008 International Conference on Bible and Law, Bar-Ilan University (with Dr. E Assis).
2007 Conference in Honor of Judge Z. E. Tal.
2006 Codification, Culture and Nationalism, Bar-Ilan University(with Dr. Y. Habba).
2005 Evening in honor of Judge Y. Tirkel, Bar-Ilan University (with Dr. H. Shapira).
2003 "Dat Va'Din", Bar-Ilan University.
2007 International Conference - "Halakha and Ideology"; Religious Medical Ethics, a Study of the Rulings of Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg ("Tzitz Eliezer").
2006 International Conference of Halacha and Yetzer Ha'ra.
2006 Conference Towards Codification in Tannaic Beit Mibrash
2005 The Philosophy of Halakha, Hebrew University.
2004 The First Conference of the Israeli Law Academy, Bar-Ilan University.
2002 Study Program for Judges, Neve-Ilan.
2001 Dayan Ve'diun, Bar-Ilan University.
Supervise Ph.D. research students.
Referee Of Ph.D. Dissertations.
Referee Of M.A. Dissertations.
Referee of articles.
Research Interests and Teaching
Jewish Law as a Religious Law; Contracrs Jewish Law and Property Jewish Law.
Books (as author)
- "Out of Nothing" – Transactions in Icorporeal Estate in Talmudic Law Magness Press; Jerusalem 2017 [Heb]
- Who is a Secular Jew, introductory chapters by Yedidia Z. Stern, Jerusalem: the Israel Democracy Institute, 2012 (178 pp.).
- Non-Jewish Courts in the Jewish State, Jerusalem: the Israel democracy Institute, 2010 (72 pp).
- "A Transaction in Incorporal Estate – From Philosophy to Law", 21 Shenaton Hamishpat Ha-Ivri 71 (1998-2000). (52 pgs)[Heb]
- "Religious Recognition of Autonomous Secular Law-The Life Situation of RaN's Homily", Harvard Theological Review 105 (2012) pp. 163-188
- "The Oven of Achnai" and Polemics, 75 Tarbiz 437 (2006). [Heb]
- "Just Weights Just steps from Heavenly and Earthly Justice" – A Study of the Laws of Security Measures in Rabbinic Literature and Weights ", Jewish Studies (JSIJ) 6, An Internet Journal 75-125 (2007). [Heb]
- "Non-Jewish Courts and the Courts of the State of Israel: Halacha, Reality and Ideology." Daimon, Annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni 8 (2008). Pp. 111-155.
- "Business in Intangibles: From Philosophy to Law", Commercial Law, Jewish Law, Jewish Studies Association XIX 1 (Bernard Jackson & Jonathan Cohen, eds.) (2009), pp. 19-59 (English translation of Hebrew Hamishpat Haivri Shnaton article published in and selected by the editors)
- "Religious Medical Ethics-A Study of the Rulings of Rabbi Waldenberg," Journal of Religious Ethics 38, 3 (2010) 495-520 (26 pgs)
- "King's Law in RaN's Homily", Zion 75 (2010), pp. 393-425 H (33 pgs) [Heb]
- "Following the Path of the Water Libation", Review of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern 15, 1 (2012) pp. 43-60
- "Can Determine Wondrous Signs Law ?A Comparison of Two Talmudic would be like", Revue des Etudes Juives (= REJ) 172 (2013), pp. 1-22 (22 pgs)
- "Lex Populi" in Jewish Law", Dinei Israel 29 (2013), pp. 25-52 [Heb]
- On Suspicion: Justice, Ethics and Society – Between Rationalism and Pietism JLA 21 (2015) pp. 19-46
- "Glory of God and Human Dignity – Between Dialectics and Dialogue", in: Hanoch Dagan Y.Z. Stern, & s. Lifshitz (eds.), Religion and Human Rights Discourse, Jerusalem; The Israel It Institute:2014, pp. 192-217 (26 pgs)
"Yesh Me'ain – Transactions in Icorporeal Estate in Talmudic Law (accepted for publication in Magness Press) (358 pgs) [Heb]
- The Secular Jew: Nation, Social and Religion, Jewish Identity (Tel-Aviv University Press, Asher Maoz & Aviad Hacohen - eds.) (forthcoming 2009).
- Judge and Priest, Rabbi and Rabbinical Judge (Forthcoming, 2008-9).
- Halacha and Yetzer Ha'ra (Forthcoming, 2008-9).
- Philosophy at Halakha Service: Ruling in Modern Reality (Forthcoming, 2008-9).
Articles in periodicals
1. A Transaction in Incorporal "Estate – From Philosophy to Law", 21 Shenaton Hamishpat Ha-Ivri 71 (1998-2000). (52 pgs)[Heb]
2. "Takanat Hashavim (Tip.regulation of Penitents) 20-21" Diney Israel (Studies In Jewish Law in Honor of winners Aaron Kirshenbaum) 437 (2000-1). (37pgs) [Heb]
3. "Great is the Human Dignity" Sidra , 21 5 (2006). (29 pgs) [Heb]
4. "The Oven of Achnai" and "Polemics, 75 Tarbiz 437 (2006). (29 pgs) [Heb]
5. "Just Weights just steps from Heavenly and Earthly Justice" – A Study of the Laws of Security Measures in Rabbinic Literature and Weights ", Jewish Studies (JSIJ) 6, An Internet Journal 75-125 (2007). (51 pgs) [Heb]
6. "Ha'Nose Ve'noten Bi'Devarim - Between Obligation and Reliance", 24 Bar-Ilan Law Studies 5 (2008) pg 53 (s) [Heb]
7. "Non-Jewish Courts and the Courts of the State of Israel: Halacha, Reality and Ideology." Daimon, Annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni 8 (2008). Pp. 111-155. (44 pgs)
8. "Business in Intangibles: From Philosophy to" Law, Commercial Law, Jewish Law, Jewish Studies Association XIX 1 (Bernard Jackson & Jonathan Cohen, eds.) (2009), pp. 19-59 (English translation of Hebrew Hamishpat Haivri Shnaton article published in and selected by the editors) (41 pgs)
9. "Avot Nezikin"- Methods of Law in the Exegesis of Tannaim, Jewish Science 46 (2009) (25 pgs) [Heb]
10. "Religious Medical Ethics-A Study of the Rulings of Rabbi Waldenberg," Journal of Religious Ethics 38, 3 (2010) 495-520 (26 pgs)
11. "King's Law in RaN's Homily", Zion 75 (2010), pp. 393-425 H (33 pgs) [Heb]
12. "Religious Recognition of Autonomous Secular Law-The Life Situation of RaN's Homily", Harvard Theological Review 105 (2012) pp. 163-188 (26 pgs)
13. "Following the Path of the Water Libation", Review of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern 15, 1 (2012) pp. 43-60 (18 pgs)
14. "Can Determine Wondrous Signs Law ?A Comparison of Two Talmudic would be like", Revue des Etudes Juives (= REJ) 172 (2013), pp. 1-22 (22 pgs)
15. "Lex Populi" in Jewish Law", Dinei Israel 29 (2013), pp. 25-52 H (28 pgs) [Heb]
18. On Suspicion: Justice, Ethics and Society – Between Rationalism and Pietism JLA 21 (2015) pp. 19-46
19. "Condition and Deed: Legal Formalism – Is That So?", Dinei Israel (forthcoming)
Articles and Chapters in Books
1. Between "Palginan Dibura" (Separation Of Speech) And "Edut Mikzata Batla Cula Shebatla" (A Testimony Which is Somewhat "is Completely Invalid), in: y. & a. Radziner Habba (eds), Studies in Halakha and Jewish Law: Dayan Vediun (Bar Ilan University: 2007), pp. 69-91 (23 pgs) [Heb]
2. . "Halacha and Yetzer Ha-ra '", in: g. & d. Has Sapir (eds.), The Book Itzhak Englard (Bar Ilan University: 2010), pp. 389-443. (55 pgs) [Heb]
3. Philosophy at the Service of Halakha, in: a. Rosenack (ed.), Halakha, Halakha and Meta-Philosophy (Magness Press: 2011) pp. 187-225 (39 pgs) [Heb]
4. "Judge and Priest, Rabbi and Rabbinical Judge", in: y. Friedmann & s. Stern (eds.), The Rabbis and Rabinate: The Challenge, (The Israel It Institute: 2011) pp. 537-598 (62 pgs).[Heb]
5. "The Secular Jew: Nation, Social and Religion", in: Jewish Identity (Tel Aviv University Press, Aviad Hacohen & Asher Maoz – eds.)(Forthcoming) (pgs 29.) [Heb]
6. "Glory of God and Human Dignity – Between Dialectics and Dialogue", in: Hanoch Dagan Y.Z. Stern, & s. Lifshitz (eds.), Religion and Human Rights Discourse, Jerusalem; The Israel It Institute:2014, pp. 192-217 (26 pgs)
E - peer reviewed publications
1. Who is a Secular Jew, introductory chapters by Yedidia Z. Stern, Jerusalem: the Israel Democracy Institute, 2012 (178 pp.).
2. Non-Jewish Courts in the Jewish State, Jerusalem: the Israel democracy Institute, 2010 (72 pp).
Chapters in books
3. "Rosh Hashanah and Hoshana Rabbah: from Temple Festivals to Doomsdays", Be'Rosh Hashanah Ikatevoon, pp. 21-39 (Amnon Bazak – Editor, 2003) (19 pp)
4. "Two Types of Repentance", Be'Yom Tzom Kippur Yechtemoon, pp. 343-356 (Amnon bazak – Editor, 2005) (14 pp.)
5. "Water Libation", Sukkot Holiday (Amnon bazak – ed., 2010) pp. 103-116 (14 pp.)
6. "Natural-National Morality" (Reuven Ziegler and Reuven gafni – editors,) in Memorial of Rabbi Yehuda Amital, Jerusalem: Coren, 2011, p. 169-175 (7 p.)
Lectures at conferences
8.3.16 "The Validity of a Secular State in the Eyes of Zionist Halakhic Decisors", The Legitimate Scope of Religious Establishment, Venice
26.2.15 "Religious Bioethics" – Edmound Safrs Ethics Conference (Tel Aviv Uni.), Nir Etzion
10.9.14 "Forms of Conditions" - The Jewish law annual Tsuba conference: Contracts in Jewish law
8.7.14 "The Passover Sacrifice"— From House to Company", SBL, University of Vienna
26.6.14 "On suspicious" – Ben-Gurion University, International Conference of NAPH (The National Association of Professors of Hebrew)
10.9.13 "Secular Jews as Witnesses", The Jewish law annual Tsuba conference: Evidence in Jewish law
8.8.13 "Justice and Corruption in the Distribution of the Priestly Gifts and Tithes: Between the Bible and the Sages", IOSOT, Ludwig Maximilian
University, Munich
31.7.13 "Davar She'lo Ba La'Olam", the Sixteen World Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University in Jerusalem
16.5.12 "The Glory of God and Human Dignity: Between Dialog and Dialectics", International Conference on the Role of Religion in Human Rights Discourse, Israeli Democracy Institute
15.2.12 "Partnership in Provence, Between Property and Obligation",
Universite Aix-Marseille
5.7.11 "The King's Law-The Life Situation (zits im leben) of HaRan's Homily", SBL, at King's College, London
21.6.11 "Study in the Ran's Sermon", The Jewish law annual Tsuba conference: Criminal law in Jewish law
31.10.2010 "Non-Jewish Courts in the Jewish State: The Haredic-National Attitude" – Following Emmanuel Verdict, Bar-Ilan University
3.8.10 "Judgment by the People: Popular Involvement in the Judicial Process", IOSOT, University of Helsinki, Finland
8.7.10 "Dworkin at the Seminary", The Jewish law annual Tsuba conference: jurisprudence in Jewish law
8.2009 "King as a Judge", 15th International Congress on Jewish Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
5.2009 "Brain Death Rule: the Halachic perspective", Institute of Advanced Judicial Studies, Neve Ilan
12.2008 ": The Educational Aspect", Rabbinic Courts for Dinei Mamonot – vision and reality, Bar-Ilan University.
5.2008 "the courts in the State of Israel – the Zionist ruling", Zionist Halakha, the Israel Democracy Institute.
2007 "Religious medical ethics – the Rabbi Woldenberg's ruling ", Halakha and Ideology, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem
2006 "Law vs. Inclination", International Conference in Honor of Judge Englard, Bar-Ilan University.
2006 Codification in the Seminary of Sages", Towards Codification, Bar-Ilan University.
2005 "philosophy in the service of Halakha", International Conference on philosophy of Halakha, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and van Leer Institute.
Last Updated Date : 16/05/2022