פרופ' הדר דנציג-רוזנברג
ביוגרפיה קצרה
Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for International Affairs at the Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law (tenured 2015). She is a Visiting Professor at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law (winters 2023-2025). Prof. Dancig-Rosenberg specializes in criminal law and procedure, with areas of expertise including the philosophy of criminal law, criminal justice reform and alternatives to incarceration, therapeutic, non-adversarial, and community-oriented criminal justice models, and the interface between criminal law and gender theories. She has been the Helen Diller Institute Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley (2016-2018, summer 2020, 2021-2023) and is an Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Law and Society at Berkeley Law. Prof. Dancig-Rosenberg is the recipient of the 2024 Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association Excellence in Teaching Award (https://pbknca.com/Teaching).
Prof. Dancig-Rosenberg earned a Ph.D. (with highest distinction) and LL.B. (Summa Cum Laude) from Bar-Ilan University and LL.M. (Summa Cum Laude) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her Ph.D. dissertation discusses the criminal liability of an accomplice for unforeseen crimes committed by a co-principal while committing a planned crime, drawing on insights from moral philosophy. After graduating, she clerked for the State of Israel Attorney (Ret. Justice) Edna Arbel. Before joining Bar-Ilan, she was a clinical professor and the academic director of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Clinic for Violence Against Women (2005-2009).
As co-chair of the Israeli Criminal Law Association, Prof. Dancig-Rosenberg serves as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Israeli Minister of Justice on Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law. She was also a member of the Advisory Committee for the Israeli Minister of Justice on Formulating Measures to Protect the Public Against Cyberbullying. Her work has been published in leading American, European, and Israeli law journals. She has received numerous research grants and awards for excellence in teaching and research, including the BIU Rector Prize for Scientific Innovation (University-wide, 2024), the Cheshin Prize for Academic Excellence in Legal Research for young scholars (2014), the Cohn Prize for best article (2013), the Rector Prize for Outstanding Lecturer (2012), and the Feldman Prize for Academic Excellence and Community Involvement (2005).
After serving as co-PI of the first evaluation study on community courts in Israel (sponsored by Joint-Ashalim), Prof. Dancig-Rosenberg is currently co-PI of empirical research at the Red Hook Community Justice Center in NYC, exploring what success at the justice center means to its various stakeholders and audiences. Additionally, she is co-PI of a three-year empirical study sponsored by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), which investigates the transformation of retribution through parole for long-term prisoners. Two of her recent empirical studies were sponsored by the Center of Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley (exploring social media as an alternative setting for achieving informal justice for sexual assault survivors) and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with Horizon 2020 of the European Union (analyzing the causes and manifestations of various forms of violence against women migrants and refugees and suggesting policy responses and legal remedies).
תחומי מחקר והוראה
משפט פלילי מהותי ופרוצדורלי; הפילוסופיה של המשפט הפלילי; מנגנוני צדק לא-אדוורסריים (בתי-משפט פותרי-בעיות, צדק מאחה); משפט פלילי טיפולי; זכויות נפגעי עבירה; המישק שבין משפט פלילי למשפט חוקתי ולתיאוריות של מגדר
טלי גל והדר דנציג-רוזנברג, "בתי-משפט קהילתיים: מחקר מלווה" (יולי 2017) http://ashalim.org.il/taxonomy/term/1359
הדר דנציג-רוזנברג "צדק לנפגעים" הארץ (5.12.15): https://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.2790929 https://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.4605592
ענת פלג והדר דנציג-רוזנברג "פייסבוק בשירות המהפכה הנשית" הארץ (15.11.17)
רוני רוזנברג והדר דנציג-רוזנברג, "מגלגלים את זה הלאה", עורך הדין 69-64 (2014) http://www.dmag.co.il/pub/israelbar/pdf25/64.pdf
Post and Trauma: The Use of Social Media by Sexual Assault Victims, Dean's Lecture at the Berkeley School of Information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOA2Rfm_bYs
הפללה בלתי חוקתית, כנס להשקת ספר אליהו מצא: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlAQ4D_Q1LQ
על פתרון בעיות ותורת משפט טיפולי, כנס על בתי-משפט קהילתיים https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZQ2ougiqk4
על תבונה ורגישות, מושב סוגיות במשפט הפלילי, כנס לרגל פרישתה של השופטת עדנה ארבל https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niPI8EbSh0g
Articles and Essays
- “Justice of Our Own”: Holistic Indicators of Success in the Red Hook Community Justice Center in NYC, 78 Vanderbilt Law Review (forthcoming, 2025) (with Peter Dixon)
- Listening to Emotion and Affect: A Reply to Professor Abrams, 47 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 73 (2024)
- Online Shaming and the Power of Informal Justice, 47 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 1 (2024) (with Anat Peleg)
- Selected by the HJLG to be the subject of a symposium, followed by responses + response to the responses; will be the subject of an in-person event at HLS in spring 2025
- Victims’ Participation in an Era of Multidoor Criminal Justice, 56 Connecticut Law Review 511 (2024) (with Beatrice Coscas-Williams & Michal Alberstein)
- Many Shades of Success: Bottom-up Indicators of Success in Community Courts, 49 Law & Social Inquiry 42 (2024) (with Tali Gal)
- Evaluating the Israeli Community Courts: Key Issues, Challenges, and Lessons, 62 International Annals of Criminology 104 (2024) (with Tali Gal) (peer review)
- Success Stories in Community Courts: Listening to Participants’ Voices, 25 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 255 (2024) (with Tali Gal).
- Virtual Criminal Law Dualism, University of Illinois Law Review (2023) (with Itay Ravid)
- Post or Prosecute? Facebook, the Criminal Justice System and Sexual Assault Victims’ Needs, University of Illinois Law Review 1533 (2023) (with Roy Rosenberg & Anat Peleg)
- Revenge Porn in the Shadow of the First Amendment, 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1285 (2023) (with Roni Rosenberg)
- Social Trust in Criminal Justice: A Metric, 98 Notre Dame Law Review 101 (2022) (with Joshua Kleinfeld)
- Reconceptualizing Revenge Porn, 63 Arizona Law Review 199 (2021) (with Roni Rosenberg)
- The Puzzle of Complicity: A Normative Inquiry into Fundamentals of Criminal Law, 23 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 114 (2021)
- I'm Starting to Believe in the Word Justice': Lessons from an Ethnographic Study on Community Courts, 68 American Journal of Comparative Law 376 (2020) (with Tali Gal) (peer review)
- Selected for the Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum at Stanford Law School 2018
- Characterizing Multi-door Criminal Justice: A Comparative Analysis of Three Criminal Justice Mechanisms, 23 New Criminal Law Review 139 (2020) (with Tali Gal) (peer review)
- Crime-victimhood and Intersectionality, 47 Fordham Urban Law Journal 85 (2019) (with Noa Yosef)
- Multi-Door Criminal Justice, 22 New Criminal Law Review 347 (2019) (with Tali Gal) (peer review)
- Retributarianism: A New Individualization of Punishment, 13 Criminal Law and Philosophy 120 (2019) (with Netanel Dagan) (peer review)
- Measuring the Restorativeness of Restorative Justice: The Case of the Mosaica Jerusalem Program The International Journal of Restorative Justice 252 (2018) (with Tali Gal and Guy Enosh) (peer review)
- Animal Rights in the Shadow of the Constitution, 24 Animal Law Review 99 (2018) (with Ariel L. Bendor)
- Selected for the Harvard Workshop on Animals in Comparative Constitutional Law, Harvard Law School, 2016
- Characterizing Community Courts, 35 Behavioral Sciences & the Law 523 (2017) (with Tali Gal) (peer review)
- Unconstitutional Criminalization, 19 New Criminal Law Review 171 (2016) (with Ariel Bendor) (peer review)
- Criminal Law Multitasking, 18 Lewis & Clark Law Review 893 (2015) (with Tali Gal)
- Selected for the Michigan Young Scholars Conference 2015
- Restorative Criminal Justice, 34 Cardozo Law Review 2313 (2013) (with Tali Gal)
- Won the 2013 Cohn Prize for Best Article; cited by the Kentucky Supreme Court in its decision in Little v. State, S.W.3d __ 2013 WL 6700106, 4 (Ky. 2013)
- Pain, Love and Voice: The Place of Domestic Violence Victims in Sentencing, 18 Michigan Journal of Gender & the Law 423 (2012) (with Dana Pugach)
Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
- Trust and Legitimacy in an Era of Algorithmic Criminal Justice, Algorithmic Transformations of Power: Between Trust, Conflict, and Uncertainty (Christoph Burchard & Indra Spiecker Eds., forthcoming 2025)
- A Behavioral Ethics Perspective on Criminal Law & Punishment, Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy (Fernando Aguiar, Antonio Gaitán & Hugo Viciana Eds., 2023) (with Yuval Feldman)
- Crimmigration and Gender-Based Violence Against Female Asylum Seekers in Israel, Gender Based Violence in Migration (Evie Tastsoglou, Jane Freedman & Nina Sahraoui eds., 2022) (with Nomi Levenkron & Ruth Halperin-Kaddari)
- Character Retribution as a Brake on Risk-Driven Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice, Risk and the Revolt Against Uncertainty (John Pratt & Jordan Anderson eds., Palgrave 2020) (with Netanel Dagan)
- Between Secondary Victimization and Positive Victimology: The Case of Crime Victims’ Right of Privacy, Positive Victimology 292 (Ronel N. & Segev D. eds., Routledge 2015) (with Dana Pugach)
- Sexual Assault Victims – Empowerment or Re-Victimization? The Need for a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Model, Trends and Issues in Victimology 150-174 (Ronel N., Jaishankar K., and Bensimon M. eds., Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008)
Articles and Essays
- The Right to Be Present Through the Screen: An Observational Study of Virtual Detention Hearings, Hebrew University Law Review (forthcoming 2024) (with Ayelet Sela)
- "Exposed Emotions: Whistleblowers' Experience in Labor Court Proceedings" 28 University of Haifa Law Review 1 (2024) (with Noa Yosef)
- “The Fast and the Furious”: An Empirical Study on Arraignment Hearings at Lower Courts in Israel, 33 Bar-Ilan Law Review (2021) (with Tali Gal)
- #MeToo and the Law: Sexual Assault Victims' Perspectives on the Extent that Traditional and Social Media Affect the Legal System, 14 Hebrew University Law Review Online 60 (2020) (with Anat Peleg)
- Twenty Years of ‘Mishpatim’: Changes in Legal Writing, 50 Hebrew University Law Review (2020) (with Ariel Bendor)
- Naming, Blaming, Shaming: Sexual Assault Victims’ Perceptions of the Practice of Shaming Their Assailants on Facebook, 21 University of Haifa Law Review 69 (2020) (with Anat Peleg)
- Post-Trauma and Post: Emotion Processing of Sexual Assault Victims in Criminal Proceedings and on Facebook Law, Society & Culture 343(2020) (with Anat Peleg)
- Soft Retributivism, 20 University of Haifa Law Review 1 (2019) (with Netanel Dagan)
- Crime-Victimhood and Intersectionality, 23 Hamishpat Law Review 9 (2017) (with Noa Yosef)
- Criminalizing Secondary Parties: Towards A Rationale-Based Theory, 46 Hebrew University Law Review 5 (2017)
- Revenge Porn as Sexual Harassment, 9 Hebrew University Journal of Legislation 265 (2017) (with Roni Rosenberg)
- Criminal Offenses and Constitutional Rights, 17 University of Haifa Law Review 325 (2016) (with Ariel Bendor)
- The Next Generation of Victims’ Rights: The Constitutional Right for Due Process, 36 Tel-Aviv University Law Review 549 (2015) (with Dana Pugach)
- Migratory Victimization, 37 Tel-Aviv University Law Review 341 (2015) (with Naomi Levenkron)
- Restorative Justice and Punitive Justice: The Double Faces of Criminal Law, 43 Hebrew University Law Review 779 (2013) (with Tali Gal)
- Developments in Criminal Law: Legislator v. Court, 6 University of Haifa Law Review 201 (2011) (with Yoram Rabin & Yariv Navon)
- ’The Other Within Us’: Towards a Model of Feminist, Culturally Sensitive Lawyering, 3 Tel-Aviv University Journal of Law & Social Change (2011) (with Yifat Ferder)
- On the Right of Battered Women to Be Heard in Court, 26 Bar-Ilan Law Review 589 (2010) (with Dana Pugach)
Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
- Two Kinds of Remorse in Criminal Law, Edna Arbel Book (Shelly Aviv-Yeini, Ariel Bendor, Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg, Dorit Beinisch & Keren Miller eds., 2022) (with Gaya Harari-Heit)
- Getting out of the Revolving Door: Community Courts in Israel as a Mechanism for Rehabilitating Offenders and Communities, in: Intervention and Rehabilitation Models of offenders (Etty Elisha, Anat Zelig, and Uri Timor eds., 2022) (with Tali Gal)
- Protecting People with Food Disabilities: The Case of Marking Food Allergens Elyakim Rubinstein Book (2020) (with Rotem Spiegler)
- The Constitutional Status of the ‘Criminal Law as Last Resort’ Principle, Justice Eliyahu Mazza Book 373 (Aharon Barak, Ayala Procaccia, Sharon Hannes & Raanan Giladi eds., 2015) (with Ariel Bendor)
- Criminal Responsibility for an Unintended Crime: Thoughts Concerning Blame, Proportionality and an Alternate Balancing Test - A Deontological Analysis, David Weiner Book on Criminal Law and Ethics (Yoram Rabin, Dror Arad-Ayalon and Yaniv Vaki eds. 2009)
Edited Monographs (Hebrew)
- Justice Neal Hendel Book (with Alex Stein, Shahar Lifshitz & Adiel Zimran, forthcoming 2025)
פרסומים בהכנה
“Justice of Our Own”: Holistic Indicators of Success in the Red Hook Community Justice Center in NYC, Vanderbilt Law Review (forthcoming, 2025) (with Peter Dixon)
“Service, Meaning, and Redemption: How System-Impacted Urban Alchemy Practitioners Make a Difference in San Francisco’s Tenderloin” (with Hadar Aviram)
“Lifers, Victims, and the Moral Dialogues of Parole” (with Netanel Dagan)
“Social Trust in Criminal Justice: A Metric – Part II” (with Joshua Kleinfeld & Peter Dixon)
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/03/2025