Democratic Culture in Israel and in the World XIII

[מהדורה אנגלית של תרבות דמוקרטית 13 (עברית)]
Leviathan and the Academia: Was there an Attempt to Nationalize the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Early Years of the State of Israel? - Ari Barell
Carnival by Night: A New Practice of Modern Tikkun Rituals - Anat Feldman
The Growth of Conservatism in the United States, 1945-2008 - Arnon Gutfeld , Nir Zeid
The Ultra-Orthodox Minority and the Israeli Mass Media: A Proposal for Cultural
Dialogue Predicated on the Media’s Role in Shaping Civil Society - Moshe Hellinger, Tsuriel Rashi
Changes to the Landscape of Military Cemeteries as a Reflection of Change in Israeli Society - Yossi Katz
From Halakhic to Pastoral Discourse in Religious-Zionist Halakhah: Masturbation as a Test Case - Avi Sagi, Yakir Englander
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 02/01/2014