Democratic Culture in Israel and in the World XII

[מהדורה אנגלית של תרבות דמוקרטית 12 (עברית)]
The Imagined Communities of Archaeology: On Nationalism, Otherness and Surfaces - Michael Feige
Religion, Class, and Political Action in Religious Zionism in Israel - Nissim Leon
The Amish, the Rule of Law and Freedom of Religion - The Culture of Compromise in American Democracy - Benyamin Neuberger
“According to the Law of Moses and Israel” - The Essence of Marriage According to the Halakhic Decisors of the Twentieth Century: Civil Marriage as a Test Case - Ariel Picard
From Within and from Without: National Identity in Israel and Its Reflection in the Changing Images of the National Other - Yaacov Yadgar
The Legal-Political Development of the Israeli Declaration of Independence – A Victory of the Bourgeois Democratic Concept - Uri Zilbersheid
Did It Really Hang on One Vote? The Meeting of the People’s Administration on the Eve of the Establishment of the State of Israel - Ariel L. Feldestein
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 02/01/2014