פרופ' אורן פרז
ביוגרפיה קצרה
Oren Perez has an LLB (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University and LL.M. (1997), Ph.D. (2001) from London School of Economics and Political Science. He also has a BA in Philosophy, University of London, 2015. He is currently (from October 1st 2017) Dean of Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law. He primarily works in the fields of Environmental Regulation, Transnational Law, Legal Theory and E-democracy. He has won several prestigious grants including a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Scholarship (Chevening Scholarship) and a Marie Curie Fellowship (during his studies at LSE) and various research grants, including grants from the Israeli Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Science and the Israel Science Foundation. He established Bar-Ilan Environmental Regulation Clinic on 2003 and still serves as its Academic Director. He is also the head of the new MA program on Environmental Regulation and Policy (a joint program with BIU Geography and Environment Dep.).Among his most recent publications are ‘Whose Administrative Law is it Anyway? How Global Norms Reshape the Administrative State’ 46 CORNELL INT’L L.J. 455 (2013) (with Daphne Barak-Erez); ‘Courage, Regulatory Responsibility, and the Challenge of Higher-Order Reflexivity’, 8 Regulation and Governance Volume 203–221 (2014), ‘The Hybrid Legal-Scientific Dynamic of Transnational Scientific Institutions’ 26 European Journal of International Law (2015) 391-416; ‘Can Experts Be Trusted and What Can Be Done About it? Insights from the Biases and Heuristics Literature’ in 'Nudging and the Law: A European Perspective' Alemanno & Sibony Eds. (HART, 2015) http://ssrn.com/abstract=2490407; ‘Fuzzy law: A theory of quasi-legal systems’ 28 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, (2015) 343-370; ‘Judicial Strategies for Reviewing Conflicting Expert Evidence: Biases, Heuristics and Higher-order Evidence’ (2016) 64 American Journal of Comparative Law 75, and The Green Economy Paradox: A Critical Inquiry into Sustainability Indexes, 17 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 153 (2016).
תחומי מחקר והוראה
רגולציה סביבתית, גלובליזציה ומשפט, רשתות ומשפט
אתר הבית שלי ב SSRN :
בלוג: (Regulatory Paradoxes)
אתר הקליניקה לרגולציה סביבתית: http://envclinic.biu.ac.il/
1. Oren Perez, ‘How Law Changes the Environmental Mind: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Legal Norms on Moral Perceptions and Civic Enforcement’, 36 Journal of Law & Society (May 2009) 501-535. (with Feldman, Yuval).
2. Oren Perez, The Dynamic of Corporate Self-Regulation: ISO 14001, Environmental Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior ‘(May 1, 2009). 43 Law & Society Review (2009) 593-630. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1407227 (with Hamburger, Yair and Shterental, Tammy).
3. Oren Perez, ‘Responsive Regulation and Second-Order Reflexivity: On the Limits of Regulatory Intervention’, 44 University of British Columbia Law Review (2011) 7434.
4. ‘Feldman, Yuval, and Oren Perez. "Motivating environmental action in a pluralistic regulatory environment: An experimental study of framing, crowding out, and institutional effects in the context of recycling policies." Law & Society Review 46.2 (2012): 405-442.
5. Oren Perez, ‘Legal Pluralism (October 10, 2011). THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN POLITICAL AND LEGAL HISTORY, Donald T. Critchlow and Philip R. VanderMeer, eds., 2012. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1929395.
6. Oren Perez, ‘Science, Politics and Transnational Regulation: Regulatory Scientific Institutions and the Dilemmas of Hybrid Authority (with Adi Ayal & Ronen Hareuveny) 2 Transnational Environmental Law, TEL (2013) 45-68.
7. Daphne Barak-Erez & Oren Perez, Whose Administrative Law is it Anyway? How Global Norms Reshape the Administrative State 46 CORNELL INT’L L.J. 455 (2013).
8. Oren Perez, Courage, Regulatory Responsibility, and the Challenge of Higher-Order Reflexivity, Regulation and Governance Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 203–221, June 2014.,
9. Oren Perez,‘The Hybrid Legal-Scientific Dynamic of Transnational Scientific Institution’s 26(2) European Journal of International Law, 2015 391-416. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2437400.
10. Oren Perez & Daphne Barak-Erez, T’he Administrative State Goes Global (with), in "Negotiating State and Non-State Law: The Challenge of Global and Local Legal Pluralism’ edited by Michael Helfand (Cambridge University Press, 2015).
11. Oren Perez, ‘Can Experts Be Trusted and What Can Be Done About it? Insights from the Biases and Heuristics Literature’ (September 15, 2014). in 'Nudging and the Law: A European Perspective'; Alberto Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony Eds. (HART, 2015).. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2490407;
12. Oren Perez, Fuzzy Law: A Theory of Quasi-Legal Systems, 28 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, July 2015, pp 343 – 370.
13. Oren Perez, ‘Judicial Strategies for Reviewing Conflicting Expert Evidence: Biases, Heuristics and Higher-order Evidence’, 64 American Journal of Comparative Law 75.
14. Oren Perez, The Green Economy Paradox: A Critical Inquiry into Sustainability Indexes, 17 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 153 (2016). Available at: http://scholarship.law.umn.edu/mjlst/vol17/iss1/3
15. Karassin, Orr, & Perez, Oren. (2018a). Shifting between public and private: The reconfiguration of global environmental regulation. 25(1) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (2018).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 17/11/2022