
פרופ' יובל פלדמן
ביוגרפיה קצרה
יובל פלדמן הוא פרופסור מן המניין ומחזיק הקתדרה של מורי לזרוף למחקר משפטי בפקולטה למשפטים באוניברסיטת בר-אילן, שם הוא עומד בראש מעבדת הציות הוולונטרי הממומנת על ידי ERC ומכהן כסגן הדיקן למחקר. הוא קיבל את תואר הדוקטור שלו ( (PhD מאוניברסיטת ברקלי, קליפורניה בשנת 2004, לאחר שקיבל ,תארים ראשונים במשפטים ובפסיכולוגיה מאוניברסיטת בר-אילן (1998) והתמחה אצל שופטת בית המשפט העליון טובה שטרסברג-כהן.
תחומי המחקר שלו כוללים ניתוח התנהגותי של המשפט, משפט וכלכלה ניסויית, אתיקה התנהגותית, משפט חישובי, רגולציה, אכיפה וציות. בין השנים 2011 ל-2013, הוא היה עמית במעבדת השחיתות המוסדית Edmond J. Safra בבית הספר למשפטים של הרווארד ובמעבדת הקוגניציה החברתית (מאזרין בנאג'י) בפסיכולוגיה של הרווארד. בין השנים 2014-2023 הוא כיהן כעמית בכיר במכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה, שם פרסם סדרת ניירות עמדה על היבטים התנהגותיים של אפליה, חוקי לאום, סביבה, שחיתות, רגולציה, סולידריות ואמון. הוא ייעץ לגופים ממשלתיים שונים בנושאי מדיניות מבוססת התנהגות וניסויים בתחומים הקשורים לקבלת החלטות אתיות, עיצוב רגולטורי מחזק אמון, שיתוף פעולה של הציבור ואכיפה בתחומים הקשורים לבריאות הציבור (קוביד), סביבה ומס. בין השנים 2016-20 כיהן כחבר האקדמיה הצעירה של ישראל.
פלדמן זכה במלגות לאומיות רבות, ביניהן רוטשילד, פולברייט, אלון, ובפרסים כגון צלטנר (2008, צעיר), חשין (2019, חוקר בכיר), פרס ברונו (2020) ופרס פתאל (2021), פרס החדשנות המדעית של הרקטור (2023) וכן ביותר מ-25 מענקי מחקר תחרותיים מקרנות כגון אולין, GIF, מארי קירי, ISF (X4), ו-IIAS. במהלך השנים 2022-2027 הוא החזיק במענק המתקדם של ERC למחקרו על: יצירת ציות וולונטרי במסגרת דוקטרינות ומדינות: שילוב היבטים התנהגותיים ורגולטוריים של יכולת הממשלות לתת אמון בשיתוף הפעולה, האתיקה והציות של הציבור.
הוא חיבר במשותף כ-80 מאמרים, רבים מהם פורסמו בכתבי עת המובילים ביותר במשפט, מדיניות ציבורית, ניהול ופסיכולוגיה, ביניהם כתבי העת למשפטים של NYU טקסס, ג'ורג'טאון ונורת'וסטרן, J. of Legal Studies, J. of Empirical Legal Studies, Regulation & Governance, J. of Eur Pub Policy, J. of Business Ethics; Psychological Science ו-J. of Applied Psychology, J of Experimental Social Psychology. הוא חבר במערכת כתבי העת Regulation and Governance, Law & Policy ו-European Journal of Law & Economics ונמנה עם מייסדי ComplianceNet, רשת בין-תחומית וגלובלית של חוקרי ציות. ספרו הראשון: The Law of Good People, יצא לאור בהוצאת Cambridge University Press ביוני 2018. ספרו השני "Can the Public be Trusted" צפוי לראות אור ב-2024, גם הוא בהוצאת קיימברידג.
תחומי מחקר והוראה
ניתוח התנהגותי של המשפט, קבלת החלטות אתית, אכיפה וציות לחוק וחקר שחיתות.
The Law of Good People: Challenging States’ Ability to Regulate Human Behavior (Cambridge University Press 2018)
Should States Trust the Public? The Promise and Perils of Voluntary Compliance
(forthcoming Cambridge University Press 2023)
- Ori Plonsky, Daniel L. Chen, Liat Netzer, Talya Steiner & Yuval Feldman Motivational drivers for serial position effects: Evidence from high-stakes legal decisions Forthcoming J. of Applied Psychology (2023)
- Maman Liby, Yuval Feldman & Levi-Faur David, Varieties of Regulatory Regimes and their Effect on Public Trust in Market Actors J. of European Public Policy (2022)
- Hadar Dancig -Rosenberg & Yuval Feldman A Behavioural Ethics Perspective on the theory of Criminal Law & Punishment. (In Aguiar, F., Gaitán, A. & Viciana, H. (eds.). Issues in Experimental Moral Philosophy. London: Routledge. (2023)
- Aronson, Ori, Julia Elad Strenger, Thomas Kesler & Yuval Feldman "Does personalization of officeholders undermine the legitimacy of the office? On perceptions of objectivity in legal decision making." Regulation & Governance (2022).
- Barak Corren, Netta, Noam Gidron, and Yuval Feldman. "Majority Nationalism Laws and the Equal Citizenship of Minorities: Experimental, Panel, and Cross-Sectional Evidence from Israel." J. of Legal Studies (2022)
- Becher, Shmuel I., Yuval Feldman, and Meirav Furth-Matzkin. "Toxic Promises." BCL Rev. 63 (2022): 753.
- Ferber, Sari Goldstein, et al. "Perceived social support in the social distancing era: the association between circles of potential support and COVID-19 reactive psychopathology." Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 35.1 (2022): 58-71.
- Feldman, Yuval, Kricheli Tami and Porat Haggay. "Are all legal discriminations created equal forthcoming." Law & Psychology Review 47 (2023).
- Feldman, Yuval, and Neta Nadiv. "A Behavioural Ethics Approach to Employment Law and Workplace Norms." International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 37.2/3 (2021).
- Peer, Eyal, and Yuval Feldman. "Honesty pledges for the behaviorally-based regulation of dishonesty." Journal of European Public Policy 28.5 (2021): 761-781.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Yotam Kaplan. "Ethical Blind Spots & Regulatory Traps: On Distorted Regulatory Incentives, Behavioral Ethics & Legal Design." Law and Economics of Regulation. Springer, Cham, 2021. 37-54.
- Feldman, Yuval, Adi Libson, and Gideon Parchomovsky. "Corporate Law for Good People." Nw. UL Rev. 115 (2020): 1125.
- Yotam Kaplan & Yuval Feldman Law and Preferences: A Behavioral Ethics Approach (with ) forthcoming in Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2021)
- Feldman, Yuval. "The Law of Good People—Book Symposium: Reply to Comments and Criticism." Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 22.1 (2020): 78-87.
- Motsenok, Marina, et al. "The slippery slope of rights-restricting temporary measures: an experimental analysis." Behavioural Public Policy (2020): 1-21.
- Tikotsky, Ariel, Eyal Pe'er, and Yuval Feldman. "Which nudges do businesses like? Managers’ attitudes towards nudges directed at their business or at their customers." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 170 (2020): 43-51.
- Kouchaki, Maryam, Francesca Gino, and Yuval Feldman. "The ethical perils of personal, communal relations: A language perspective." Psychological science 30.12 (2019): 1745-1766.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Yotam Kaplan. "Big Data and Bounded Ethicality." Cornell JL & Pub. Pol'y 29 (2019): 39.
- Becher, Samuel, Yuval Feldman, and Orly Lobel. "Poor Consumer (s) Law: The Case of High-Cost Credit and Payday Loans." Legal Applications of Marketing Theory, Jacob Gersen & Joel Steckel, eds., Cambridge University Press (2020, Forthcoming), San Diego Legal Studies Paper 18-357 (2018): 18-20.
- Pe’er, Eyal, et al. "Do minorities like nudges? The role of group norms in attitudes towards behavioral policy." Judgment and Decision making 14.1 (2019): 40.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Yotam Kaplan. "Behavioral ethics as compliance." Forthcoming, Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (Van Rooij & Sokol Eds.), Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper 19-18 (2019).
- Barak‐Corren, Netta, Yuval Feldman, and Noam Gidron. "The provocative effect of law: Majority nationalism and minority discrimination." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 15.4 (2018): 951-986.
- Lavie, Shay, Tal Ganor, and Yuval Feldman. "Adjusting legal standards." European Journal of Law and Economics 49.1 (2020): 33-53.
- Yuval Feldman, Curbing Organizational Corruption: to Reduce Misconduct, add Behavioral Ethics to your Toolbox, Behavioral Science and Policy Special Volume on Corruption (2018).
- Feldman, Yuval, and Eliran Halali. "Regulating “good” people in subtle conflicts of interest situations." Journal of Business Ethics 154.1 (2019): 65-83.
- Sah, Sunita, et al. "Combating biased decisionmaking & promoting justice & equal treatment." Behavioral Science & Policy 2.2 (2016): 78-87.
- Boussalis, Constantine, Yuval Feldman, and Henry E. Smith. "Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Standards on Compliance and Performance." Regulation & Governance (March 2017), Harvard Public Law Working Paper 17-43 (2016): 18-04.
- Fine, Adam, et al. "Rule orientation and behavior: Development and validation of a scale measuring individual acceptance of rule violation." Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 22.3 (2016): 314.
- Non Verbal Market Manipulation and Consumer Protection Law, Cardozo Law Review (2017) (with Shmuel Becher)
- Feldman, Yuval, Amos Schurr, and Doron Teichman. "Anchoring legal standards." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 13.2 (2016): 298-329.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Shahar Lifshitz. "Blinding the Law: The Potential Virtue of Legal Uncertainty." In: Robertson, Christopher G., and Aaron Kesselheim, eds. Blinding as a solution to bias: Strengthening biomedical science, forensic science, and law. Academic Press, 2016.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Tami Kricheli-Katz. "The human mind and human rights: A call for an integrative study of the mechanisms generating employment discrimination across different social categories." The Law & Ethics of Human Rights 9.1 (2015): 43-67.
- Yuval Feldman and Orly Lobel Behavioral Trade-Off, in Nudging and the Law, in What Can EU Law Learn From Behavioural Sciences? (Alberto Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony Eds., Hart Publishing, 2015) (with Orly Lobel).
- Benbaji, Yitzhak, Amir Falk, and Yuval Feldman. "Commonsense morality and the ethics of killing in war: An experimental survey of the Israeli population." The Law & Ethics of Human Rights 9.2 (2015): 195-227.
- Feldman, Yuval. "Behavioral ethics meets behavioral law and economics." (2014).
- Feldman, Yuval, and Henry E. Smith. "Behavioral equity." Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics: JITE (2014): 137-159.
- Feldman, Yuval, Rebecca Gauthier, and Troy Schuler. "Curbing misconduct in the pharmaceutical industry: insights from behavioral ethics and the behavioral approach to law." The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 41.3 (2013): 620-628.
- Feldman, Yuval, Amos Schurr, and Doron Teichman. "Reference points and contractual choices: An experimental examination." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 10.3 (2013): 512-541.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Orly Lobel. "12. Individuals as enforcers: the design of employee reporting systems." Explaining compliance: Business responses to regulation (2011): 263.
- Orly Lobel and Lilach Luria and Yuval Feldman Law and Economics of Employment law, Handbook of Law & Economics in Israel (2012) .
- Feldman, Yuval, and Tom R. Tyler. "Mandated justice: The potential promise and possible pitfalls of mandating procedural justice in the workplace." Regulation & Governance 6.1 (2012): 46-65.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Oren Perez. "Motivating environmental action in a pluralistic regulatory environment: An experimental study of framing, crowding out, and institutional effects in the context of recycling policies." Law & Society Review 46.2 (2012): 405-442.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Doron Teichman. "Are all contractual obligations created equal." Geo. LJ 100 (2011): 5.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Shahar Lifshitz. "Behind the veil of legal uncertainty." Law & Contemp. Probs. 74 (2011): 133.
- Feldman, Yuval. "The complexity of disentangling intrinsic and extrinsic compliance motivations: Theoretical and empirical insights from the behavioral analysis of law." Wash. UJL & Pol'y 35 (2011): 11.
- Yuval Feldman Toward a Behaviorally Responsive Regulation, Handbook of Regulation (Elgar Press 2011).
- Feldman, Yuval, Amir Falk, and Miri Katz. "What Workers Really Want: Voice, Unions, and Personal Contracts." Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J. 15 (2011): 237.
- Feldman, Yuval. "Law and Psychology: Some Thoughts on the Future of the Field." Law & Business 12 (2010): 267.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Orly Lobel. "The incentives matrix: The comparative effectiveness of rewards, liabilities, duties, and protections for reporting illegality." Tex. L. Rev. 88 (2009): 1151.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Doron Teichman. "Are all legal probabilities created equal." NYUL Rev. 84 (2009): 980.
- Feldman, Yuval. "Ex-Ante vs. Ex-Post: Optimizing State Intervention in Exploitive Triangular Employment Relationships." Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 30 (2008): 751.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Oren Perez. "How law changes the environmental mind: An experimental study of the effect of legal norms on moral perceptions and civic enforcement." Journal of Law and Society 36.4 (2009): 501-535.
- Feldman, Yuval. "The expressive function of trade secret law: Legality, cost, intrinsic motivation, and consensus." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 6.1 (2009): 177-212.
- Cooter, Robert D., Michal Feldman, and Yuval Feldman. "The misperception of norms: The psychology of bias and the economics of equilibrium." Review of Law & Economics 4.3 (2008): 889-911.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Doron Teichman. "Are all legal dollars created equal." Nw. UL Rev. 102 (2008): 223.
- Behavioral versus Institutional Antecedents of Decentralized Enforcement: An Experimental Approach, 2(2) Regulation & Governance 165 (2008) (with Orly Lobel).
- Feldman, Yuval, and Alon Harel. "Social norms, self-interest and ambiguity of legal norms: An experimental analysis of the rule vs. standard dilemma." Review of Law & Economics 4.1 (2008): 81-126.
- Yuval Feldman and Janice Nadler File Sharing Law and Norms, 43 San Diego Law Review 577 (2006)
- Feldman, Yuval. "The behavioral foundations of trade secrets: Tangibility, authorship, and legality." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 3.2 (2006): 197-235.
- Feldman, Yuval, and Robert MacCoun. "Some Well-Aged Wines for the'New Norm'Bottles, Implications of Social Psychology to Law and Economics." The law and economics of irrational behavior 358 (2003).
- Feldman, Yuval. "Experimental Approach to the Study of Normative Failures: Divulging of Trade Secrets by Silicon Valley Employees." U. Ill. JL Tech. & Pol'y (2003): 105.
- Feldman, Yuval. "An Experimental Approach to the Study of Social Norms: The Allocation of Intellecutal Property Rights in the Workplace." J. Intell. Prop. L. 10 (2002): 59.
- : Feldman, Yuval. "Control or Security: A Therapeutic Approach to the Freedom of Contract." Symposium: The Varieties Of Therapeutic Experience Excerpts From The Second International Conference On Therapeutic Jurisprudence Touro L. Rev. 18 (2001): 503.
Hebrew Publications
- Guy Friver, Liav Feldman & Yuval Feldman, Behavioral Ethics and the meaning of Oaths in the Babylonian Talmud (in Hebrew ) Forthcoming Sefer Menhem) 2020
- Feldman, Yuval, et al. "The Regulation of Recycling in Israel: An Empirical Study of the Demographic and Behavioral Aspects of Recycling Policy". Mechkari Mishpat. 29(2) 391-467 (2014) (in Hebrew).
- Feldman, Yuval, and Nadiv Ronit. "Equality in Triangular Relationship in Israel, Empirical and Doctrinal Perspectives". Law, Labor and Society 12 153-190 (2010) (In Hebrew).
- Yuval Feldman, The Psychology of Conflict of Interests in the Public Sector, in Conflict of Interests in the Public Sector in Israel (Daphna Barak-Erez, Doron Navot and Mordechay Kreminzer, Eds, 2009) (in Hebrew).
- Feldman, Yuval. "A Psychological Approach to Trade Secrets: Legality, Efficiency and Morality". Law and Business 3 189-245 (2005) (in Hebrew).
פרסומים בהכנה
Working Papers
- Folk moral intuitions regarding Police vs. Military Rules of Engagement in the war on crime and terror (With Itschak Benbaji and Amir Falk, ISF funded).
- Legal Ambiguity and Self Interest: The role of Dual-Process Interpretation in Implicit Corruption (with Mazarin Banaji and Eliran Halali).
- Legal Socialization and the Ethics of Gray A cross national survey of law students in China, Israel, The Netherlands and the U.S (with Shaul Sahlvi and Benjamin Van Rooji) [Under Review].
- The efficacy of Dual System Enforcement Strategies Deterring Automatic Biases in Implicit Conflict of Interest Contexts (with Mazarin Banaji and Eliran Halili) [Under Review].
- An Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Good Faith, Legal Specificity and Probability of Sanctioning on Compliance and Performance (With Henry Smith and Constantine Boussalis) [Under Review].
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 19/03/2024