פרופ' איתי בר-סימן-טוב
ביוגרפיה קצרה
איתי בר-סימן-טוב הוא פרופסור חבר בפקולטה למשפטים באוניברסיטת בר-אילן, בה הוא מכהן גם כראש המעבדה למשפט, מדעי המידע ואתיקה דיגיטלית, וכראש התכנית המשולבת לתואר במשפטים ותואר שני במדע המדינה. פרופ' בר-סימן-טוב מכהן גם כחבר בוועד המנהל של ה- International Association of Legislation; כיו"ר משותף של האגודה הישראלית לחקיקה; וכעורך ראשי של כתב העת הבינלאומי The Theory and Practice of Legislation. בנוסף הוא מכהן כחבר בוועד המנהל של המכון למדעי הנתונים (Data Science Institute) של האוניברסיטה וכעמית בכיר ב- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance (DIGOV).
לפני שהצטרף לסגל הפקולטה למשפטים בבר-אילן, לימד פרופ' בר-סימן-טוב בבית הספר למשפטים באוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק, כ Associate-in-Law . לפני כן כיהן כמתמחה וכעוזר משפטי לכב' השופטת דורית ביניש בבית המשפט העליון, וכעוזר מחקר לכב' המשנה לנשיא (בדימוס) פרופ' מנחם אלון. הוא בעל תואר דוקטור ומאסטר במשפטים (בהצטיינות יתרה) מאוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק ותואר ראשון במשפטים (בהצטיינות) מהאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.
פרופ' בר-סימן-טוב זכה בפרסים רבים, לרבות פרס חשין לחוקר צעיר; פרס גורני למחקר מצטיין במשפט ציבורי מאת העמותה למשפט ציבורי; פרס המאמר המצטיין ע"ש Giandomenico Majone מאת European Consortium for Political Research’s Standing Group on Regulatory Governance; ; פרס הרקטור לחדשנות מדעית; פרס מרצה מצטיין של אוניברסיטת בר אילן; ונבחר לרשימת המרצים מעוררי ההשראה בישראל של התאחדות הסטודנטים והסטודנטיות בישראל. בנוסף זכה במענקי מחקר ומלגות רבים, בין היתר, מהקרן הלאומית למדע (Israel Science Foundation); מהקרן הגרמנית ישראלית למחקר ופיתוח מדעיים (German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development); מה- Volkswagen Foundation; מה- Israel Institute; ממשרד המדע והטכנולוגיה (MOST); מהמכון הלאומי לחקר שרותי הבריאות ומדיניות הבריאות; מקרן פולברייט; ומקרן פישמן.
תחומי המחקר שלו הם תורת החקיקה, פרלמנטים, ורגולציה; משפט חוקתי ותיאוריה חוקתית; והממשקים שבין המשפט למדעי הנתונים/ אינטליגנציה מלאכותית. מחקריו התפרסמו בכתבי עת מובילים כגון Georgetown Law Journal; Boston University Law Review; William & Marry Law Review; Political Studies; American Journal of Comparative Law; International Journal of Constitutional Law; Regulation & Governance. הוא ערך שני ספרים, האחרון שבהם Comparative Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Omnibus Legislation (Springer Nature's Legisprudence Library, 2021), וארבעה גיליונות נושאיים בכתבי עת.
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תחומי מחקר והוראה
משפט חוקתי, תיאוריה חוקתית, תורת החקיקה, הליך החקיקה, רגולציה, ביקורת שיפוטית, משפט וביג דטה.
SSRN author page: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=977344
Edited Books:
Essays in Honor of Chief-Justice Dorit Beinisch (Festschrift) (Bar-Ilan University Press & Nevo) (main editor, along with Aharon Barak, Shahar Lifshitz & Keren Azulay) (2018)
Comparative Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Omnibus Legislation (Springer Nature's Legisprudence Library, 2021)
Edited Special Issues:
Special issue on “Mending the Legislative Process” for The Theory and Practice of Legislation vol. 3(3) (2015)
Special issue on “Legislated Rights – Securing Human Rights through Legislation” for the Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies vol. 21(1) (2020) (with Yaniv Roznai)
Special issue on “Legislatures in the Time of Covid-19” for The Theory and Practice of Legislation vol. 8(1+2) (2020) (with Ronan Cormacain)
Special issue on “Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus” for The Theory and Practice of Legislation vol. 8(3) (2020) (with Ronan Cormacain)
Publications in journals and refereed peer-reviewed collective volumes:
Legislative Supremacy in the United States?: Rethinking the Enrolled Bill Doctrine, 97 Georgetown Law Journal 323 (2009)
Lawmakers as Lawbreakers, 52 William and Mary Law Review 805 (2010)
The Puzzling Resistance to Judicial Review of the Legislative Process, 91 Boston University Law Review 1915 (2011)
Semiprocedural Judicial Review, 6 Legisprudence 271 (2012) (lead article in the special issue on courts as regulatory watchdogs)
(reviewed in Alberto Alemanno, The Emergence of the Evidence-based Judicial Reflex: A Response to Bar-Siman-Tov's Semiprocedural Review, 1 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 327 (2013); and in Mark Kende, Can "Semi-Procedural Review" Help Solve the Problems of Constitutional Theory?, Jotwell (2013))
Time and Judicial Review in Israel: Tempering the Temporal Effects of Judicial Review, in The Effects of Judicial Decisions in Time 207 (Cambridge, Intersentia, P. Popelier, S. Verstraelen, D. Vanheule and B. Vanlerberghe eds., 2013) (peer-reviewed collective volume)
John Hart Grunis? The Jurisprudence of Chief Justice Grunis in Light of Ely's Constitutional Theory, 9 Haifa Law Review ("Din Udvarim") 67 (2015) (Hebrew)
[Reprinted in Asher Grunis Book (Keren Weinshall et al., 2023)]
Mending the Legislative Process – The Preliminaries, 3 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 245 (2015)
The Role of Courts in Improving the Legislative Process, 3 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 295 (2015)
The Law of Lawmaking, 37 Tel Aviv University Law Review ("Iuney Mishpat") 645 (2016) (Hebrew) (special issue on parliamentary law)
The Dual Meaning of Evidence-based Judicial Review of Legislation, 4 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 107 (2016) (lead article in the special issue on Evidence-based Judicial Review) (awarded the Gorney Prize by the Israeli Association of Public Law)
Introduction, in Essays in Honor of Chief-Justice Dorit Beinisch 7 (Keren Azulay, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Aharon Barak & Shahar Lifshitz, eds.) (Bar-Ilan University Press & Nevo, 2018) (Hebrew), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2890277
Procedural Review and Substantive Review: Can the Two Be Combined? Towards a Semiprocedural Model in Israel, in Essays in Honor of Chief-Justice Dorit Beinisch 299 (Keren Azulay, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Aharon Barak & Shahar Lifshitz, eds.) (Bar-Ilan University Press & Nevo, 2018) (Hebrew) (peer-reviewed collective volume), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2775410
Temporary Legislation, Better Regulation and Experimental Governance: An Empirical Study, 12 Regulation and Governance 192-219 (2018) (awarded the Giandomenico Majone Prize by the European Consortium for Political Research’s Standing Group on Regulatory Governance; the Gorney Prize by the Israeli Association of Public Law; selected to Israel’s Junior Faculty Law Workshop for Excellent Scholarship)
Revolution or Continuity? Bank Hamizrachi’s Role in the Development of Judicial Review Models in Israel, 19 Law and Government 271 (2018) (special issue on 20 Years to Bank Hamizrachi) (Hebrew), available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=3054214
Legisprudence and the Limits of Legislation, 11 Hukim - journal on legislation 51 (2018) (invited article for the special issue on the limits of legislation) (Hebrew), available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=3050846
The Lives and Times of Temporary Legislation and Sunset Clauses, 66 American Journal of Comparative Law 453 (2018) (book review), available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2955995
Quantinsky v. the Knesset in the Matter of the Third Apartment Tax: A Necessary Decision or an Unjustified "Major Deviation" From the Case Law? 32 Bar-Ilan University Law Review 877 (2019), available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=3050539 (Hebrew)
Unsupervised Topic Extraction from Privacy Policies. In Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW’19 Companion), May 13–17, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3308560.3317585 (with David Sarne, Jonathan Schler, Alon Singer, Ayelet Sela)
The Global Revival of Legisprudence: A Comparative View on Legislation in Legal Education and Research, in Conceptions and Misconceptions of Legislation 275 (A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana, ed, 2019), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3179579
[Spanish translation published as "El resurgimiento global de la legisprudencia: una aproximación comparada al papel de la legislación en la educación e investigación jurídica" in La legislación en serio: Estudios sobre derecho y legisprudencia 525 (A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana, ed, 2019)]
Temporary Legislation’s Finest Hour?: The Rise of Temporary Legislation in Israel and Principles for its Improvement, 41 Tel Aviv University Law Review ("Iuney Mishpat") 539 (2019) (with Gaya Harari-Heit) (Hebrew)
The Legisprudential and Political Functions of Temporary Legislation, in Time, Law and Change: An Interdisciplinary Study 227 (Sofia Ranchordas & Yaniv Roznai, eds., 2020) (with Gaya Harari-Heit)
Legislatures and Rights, 21 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 112 (2020)
Beyond Neglect and Disrespect: Legislatures in Legal Scholarship, in Handbook of Parliamentary Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Legislatures 141 (Cyril Benoît & Olivier Rozenberg eds., 2020), available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494920
Legislatures in the Time of Covid-19, 8(1) Theory and Practice of Legislation 3 (2020) (with Ronan Cormacain)
Covid-19 Meets Politics: The Novel Coronavirus as a Novel Challenge for Legislatures, 8(1) Theory and Practice of Legislation 11 (2020)
Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus, 8(3) Theory and Practice of Legislation 239 (2020) (with Ronan Cormacain)
Israel: Legal Response to Covid-19, in J. King & O. Ferraz (eds), The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19 (Oxford University Press, 2021) (with Einat Albin, Aeyal Gross & Tamar Hostovsky-Brandes)
The Knesset Legal Advisor and its Role in the Separation of Powers in the Legislative Process, 44 Tel Aviv University Law Review ("Iuney Mishpat") 267 (2021) (with Keren Horowitz) (Hebrew)
Measuring Legislative Activity during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Introducing the ParlAct and ParlTech Indexes, 1 International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 109 (2021) (with Olivier Rozenberg, Cyril Benoît, Israel Waismel-Manor & Asaf Levanon)
Temporary Legislation in Times of Covid-19, 24 Law and Government 69 (2021) (with Daniel Shtauber and Gaya Harari-Heit) (Hebrew)
An Introduction to the Comparative and Multidisciplinary Study of Omnibus Legislation, in: I. Bar-Siman-Tov (ed), Comparative multidisciplinary perspectives on omnibus legislation (Springer Nature, Cham, 2021)
The Changing Role of Judicial Review during Prolonged Emergencies: The Israeli Supreme Court during Covid-19, 1 Legal Policy and Pandemics: The Journal of the Global Pandemic Network 273-279 (2021) (with Itay Cohen & Chani Koth)
Should I stay (open) or should I close?: World legislatures during the first wave of Covid19, 72 Political Studies 200 (2024) (with Israel Waismel-Manor, Olivier Rozenberg, Asaf Levanon, Cyril Benoît & Gal Ifergane)
Legislation, Legisprudence and Comparative Law, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Jan M. Smits et al., ed., 2023) (with Helen Xanthaki)
Sunset Legislation in Israel during the Covid-19 Pandemic, 19 Taiwan Journal of Democracy 55 (2023) (with Daniel Shtauber & Gaya Harari-Heit), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4582056
Parliamentary Studies: Studying Parliaments, Improving Parliaments, 4 International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 1 (2024)
Procedural Norms for Enacting Basic Laws and Knesset Committee Initiatives, 48 Tel Aviv University Law Review ("Iuney Mishpat") (forthcoming 2024) (with Ori Aronson, Eden Israely Levy, Ronit Levine-Schnur, Doreen Lustig, and Issachar Rosen-zvi) (Hebrew), available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4566393
Scholactivism in the Service of Counter-populism: The Case of the Constitutional Overhaul in Israel, International Journal of Constitutional Law (forthcoming) (with Tamar Hostovsky Brandes, Eliav Lieblich, Yaniv Roznai and Adam Shinar), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4606912
Publications in Bar Journals, Reports and Online Publications (partial list):
In Defense of Neutral and Blind Legislative Rules, 21 Israel Bar Association Journal ("Orech Ha-Din") 37 (2013) (Hebrew)
New Study Explores Relationship Between Temporary (Sunset) Legislation, Better Regulation, and Experimentalist Governance, Oxford Business Blog, Jul 10, 2017, at https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/business-law-blog/blog/2017/07/new-study-explo…
In Wake of Controversial Enactment Process of Trump’s Tax Bill, Israeli SC Offers a Novel Approach to Regulating Omnibus Legislation, I-CONnect: International Journal of Constitutional Law Blog, Dec. 13, 2017, at: http://www.iconnectblog.com/2017/12/in-wake-of-controversial-enactment-…
Parliamentary Activity and Legislative Oversight during the Coronavirus Pandemic - A Comparative Overview (2020), https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340091555_Parliamentary_Activi…
Covid-19 and legislative activity: A cross-national study (2020) (with Israel Waismel-Manor, Olivier Rozenberg, Asaf Levanon, Cyril Benoît & Gal Ifergane). Draft available here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342514148_Covid-19_and_Legislative_Activity_A_Cross-National_Study
Online Supplement for Covid-19 and Legislative Activity: A Cross-National Study. Draft available here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342666341_Online_Supplement_for_Covid-19_and_Legislative_Activity_A_Cross-National_Study
Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, ‘Legislatures in the COVID-19 Crisis’ IACL-AIDC Blog (21 September 2021) https://blog-iacl-aidc.org/covid19-future-constitutionalism/2021/9/21/legislatures-in-the-covid-19-crisis/.
Works in Progress (partial list):
Sunsets and Emergencies: Temporary Covid Laws in Israel (under review) (with Daniel Shtauber, Gaya Harari-Heit & Gonen Ilan), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4782954
When Computers Speak Laws: Legislative Engineering in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (under review) (with Elhanan Schwartz & Roy Gelbard), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4698512
Design Principles for Integrated Legislation Drafting Environment (under review) (with Elhanan Schwartz & Roy Gelbard), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4556959
Judicial Review in Israel: Typology, Developments and the Theory and Practice of Judicial Activism (April 3, 2024) (under review), available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4782873
Legal HeBERT: A BERT-based NLP Model for Hebrew Legal, Judicial and Legislative Texts (June 27, 2022), available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4147127 (with Avihay Chriqui & Inbal Yahav)
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תאריך עדכון אחרון : 02/05/2024