פרופ' מרים מרקוביץ-ביטון
ביוגרפיה קצרה
פרופ' מרים מרקוביץ-ביטון היא פרופסור מן המנין בפקולטה למשפטים באוניברסיטת בר אילן. היא חוקרת בתחום של משפט וטכנולוגיה, קניין רוחני ודיני קניין. מחקריה האחרונים עוסקים בדיני פטנטים ומגדר, השלכות חלוקתיות של מרשמי זכויות במקרקעין וקניין רוחני, אכיפה פלילית ואזרחית של קניין רוחני ועוד. מרים זכתה במלגת אלון לחוקרים צעירים, מענק מארי קירי מטעם נציבות האיחוד האירופי, פרס צלטנר לחוקר הצעיר בתחום חקר המשפט ומלגת פולברייט ללימודי דוקטורט. מרים השלימה את לימודי הדוקטורט בשנת 2005 באוניברסיטת מישיגן בארה"ב ואת פוסט הדוקטורט באוניברסיטת ברקלי בקליפורניה בשנת 2007. היא היתה מרצה אורחת באוניברסיטת מיאמי, אוניברסיטת דה פול בשיקגו ואוניברסיטת אוהיו סטייט שבאוהיו.
תחומי מחקר והוראה
משפט וטכנולוגיה, קניין רוחני ודיני קניין.
1. Exploring European Union Copyright Policy Through the Lens of the Database Directive, 23 BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 1411 (2008)
2. Trends in Protection for Informational Works Under Copyright Law During the 19th and 20th Centuries, 13 MICHIGAN TELECOMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW 115 (2007)
3. Grokking Grokster: Has the Supreme Court Changed Inducement under Patent Law?, 34 AIPLA QUARTERLY JOURNAL 265 (2006) (with Gary N. Frischling)
4. A New Outlook on the Economic Dimension of the Database Protection Debate, 47 IDEA: THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW 93 (2006)
5. Protection for Informational Works After Feist Publications Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service, 21 FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 611 (2011)
6. Modernizing Copyright Law, 20 TEXAS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW JOURNAL 65 (2011)
7. Rethinking the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Criminal Copyright Measures, 102 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 101 (2011)
8. Implementing the Public Sector Information Directive, [2012] 2 EUROPEAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REVIEW 74 (2012)
9. Exploring the Standard of Review of Transactions with Controlling Shareholders After In re MFW Shareholders Litigation, 7 PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY'S JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURSHIP & THE LAW 447 (2014) (with Odelia Minnes) 10. Patenting Abstractions 15 N.C. J.L. & TECH. 153 (2014), available at http://ncjolt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Bitton_Final.pdf.
11. Examining the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, JOURNAL OF INTERNET LAW, March 2014, page 25-38
12. Intellectual Property Securitization, 33 CARDOZO'S ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 125 (with Dr. Dov Solomon) (2015)
13. Commercializing Public Sector Information, 97 JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 412 (2015)
14. Recoupment Patent, 98(3) NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 481 (lead author; with Dr. Maayan Perel & Dr. Yotam Kaplan) (2019)
15. Regulation of Book Markets, 97(3) WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 835 (with Prof. Jacob Nussim) (2019)
16. Unregistered Patents and Gender Equality, 43 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND GENDER 47 (with Prof. Emily M. Morris & Dr. Yotam Kaplan) (0202)
17. The Distributive Effects of IP Registration, 23(2) STANFORD TECHNOLOGY LAW REVIEW 306 (with Prof. Emily M. Morris) (2020)
18. Unregistered Patents, 95 WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 1835 (with Prof. Emily M. Morris(
19. Patent Fraud by Design, 38 CARDOZO ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 359 (with Mordechay Sorek & Dr. Yotam Kaplan) (2020)
20. An Empirical Study of Gender and Race in Trademark Prosecution, 94(6) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1407 (with William Michael Schuster & Deborah Gerhardt) (2021)
21. A Global Pandemic Remedy for Vaccines Nationalism, 54 CORNELL JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 101 (2022) (with Prof. Orit Fishman-Afori & Prof. Emily M. Morris)
22. Recalibrating Patent Protection for Covid-19 Vaccines: A Path to Affordable Access and Equitable Distribution, 12 UC IRVINE L. REV. 423 (with Dr. Yotam Kaplan) (2021)
23. Parallel Import and Price Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Market: The Israeli Experience, 31 MINNESOTA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 111 (2022) (with Dr. Yifat Nahmias & Dr. Tehila Rozenzweig Feldman)
24. Remedying Shaming: Comparative Assessment, 5 CARDOZO INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW JOURNAL 49 (2022) (with Dr. Hillel Sommer)
25. Where the Gender Gap Meets Academic Patenting: An Empirical Study, 18 OHIO STATE TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 239 (2022) (with Prof. Orit Fishman-Afori & Dr. Sharon Bar-Ziv)
26. Fair Use as A Market Facilitator, 55 AKRON LAW REVIEW 317 (2022) (with Danny Bombach)
27. The Gender Gap in Academic Patenting in the U.S.: An Empirical Study, UC DAVIS LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2022) (with Michael W. Schuster & Deborah Gerhardt)
28. The Future of Copyright Enforcement: The Promise of Civil Enforcement, GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2022)
29. Criminal Enforcement of Copyrights, 29 MEHKAERI MISHPAT (BAR-ILAN LEGAL STUDIES) 511 (2014)
30. Database Protection in Israel, 9 MOZNEI MISHPAT 13 (2014)
31. The People of the Book and the Law of the Book: The Israeli Law for the Protection of Literature and Authors, 31 MEHKAERI MISHPAT (BAR ILAN LEGAL STUDIES) 223 (2017) (with Prof. Jacob Nussim)
32. The Intent Requirement in Copyright Law: Thoughts Following Qimron v. Shanks, 12 MOZNEI MISHPAT 267 (2019)
33. The A.S.I.R Import, Manufacture, and Distribution v. Accessories and Products Ltd. Decision at Its 20th Anniversary: Trends in Courts, 51(2) DIN UDEVARIM 599 (2002) (with Dr. Yifat Nahmias)
34. Walls of Desperation: Selection Committees of Candidates in Israeli Communal Settlements, 02 MISHPAT UMIMSHAL 125 (special issue on Mizrahi Jews and the Law) (0201) (with Dr. Shai Stern)
35. Regulation of the Israeli Pharmaceutical Market, 4 REGULATION STUDIES 253 (2021) (with Dr. Yifat Nahmias & Dr. Tehila Rozenzweig Feldman)
36. The Gender Gap in Academic Patenting in Israel, 6 REGULATION STUDIES 27 (2022) (with Prof. Orit Fishman-Afori & Dr. Sharon Bar-Ziv)
37. Critical Review of Ruth Gabizon’s Perspective on Jewish Settlement,51 MOZNEI MISHPAT 75 (2020) (with Dr. Meital Pinto)
38. Feist, Facts and Functions: Historical Perspective, in "Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-Based Works: Copyright and Its Alternatives" (Robert Brauneis Editor) (2009)
39. Re-Use of Public Records: Comparative Analysis, in Beyond IP, Shlomit Yaniski-Ravid ed. (2016)
40. Unregistered Patents and Gender Equality: Global Perspective, in Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Global Inequality ( CUP, 2022) (with Prof. Emily M. Morris & Dr. Yotam Kaplan)
41. Book Chapter: Criminal Enforcement of Copyrights in Israel, in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS, (Miriam Marcowitz-Bitton & Lior Zemer, eds.) (2015)
42. Originality and the Author’s Intent in Copyright Law, in JUSTICE YAACOV TURKEL BOOK (Aharon Barak, Karin Yefet, & Elyakim Rubinstein eds.) (Nevo Press, 2019)
43. What is Left from the A.S.I.R Import, Manufacture, and Distribution v. Accessories and Products Ltd. Decision in the Field of Intellectual Property Law?, in JUSTICE ELYAKIM RUBINSTEIN BOOK (with Dr. Yifat Nahmias) (Bar Ilan Press and Nevo Press, 2020)
44. Disruptive Technologies in Israeli Copyright Law, in EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES – LEGAL CHALLENGES IN THE ISRAELI LAW (Lior Zemer, Aviv Gaon, and Dov Greenbaum, eds. 2022) (with Dr. Yifat Nahmias)
45. Intellectual Property Law: Interdisciplinary Analysis, Co-Editor, (with Prof. Lior Zemer) (Nevo Press, 2015)
46. Justice Elyakim Rubinstein Book, Lead Editor, Book (with Prof. Aharon Barak & Ayala Proccacia) (Bar Ilan Press and Nevo Press, 2020); + academic introduction
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/02/2023